Sales Pack
Click the links below to view / download required documents:
Testing used to confirm the required compaction (and resulting bearing capacity of the ground) included NDM Nuclear Densometer in fill areas and CBR Scala Penetrometer tests in cut areas and areas of natural ground
House & land Packages
Still Available- contact the building companies below:
CBG Quality Construction
Wanting an architecturally designed, superior performing, low maintenance and energy efficient home in Wanaka to keep you warm and healthy all year round? Look no further than CBG.
Concept, design and build being inclusive, with this house and land package you can trust that your home has been designed and will be built well above the New Zealand building code with peak performance and passive principles included.
Leave it to us, our trusted builders have years of experience in this type of construction, so you can be rest assured that your build is in the best possible hands.
We work with an open line of communication, transparency and client satisfaction being key.
Come home and own.
Step into the future of quality homes, contact the team today:
T: 03 443 4684
M: 027 294 6801
E: info@cbgconstruction.co.nz
W: www.cbgconstruction.co.nz